Useful Weblinks for Foundation Pupils & Parents

This half term the children in Reception are learning about transport and how people moved around in the past. Here are some links online to support their learning at home.

What do you know about the past? – EYFS – Reception – BBC Bitesize

Transport for Kindergarten | EYFS (  

How has transport on land changed? – BBC Bitesize

KS1 History. Changes within living memory: Transport – BBC Teach

KS1 Topics: Travel and transport – BBC Teach

Development of transport during the Victorian era – 1st level People, past events and societies – BBC Bitesize

This half term we are learning the stories Titch and fact cards about transport. Here are some links related to Titch. See above for transport links.

Titch by Pat Hutchins (

Titch – YouTube



Counting in 2s

Counting in 10s

Counting in 5s

Counting to 100

Reading with your child

Reading word games